CAPTO is designed to provide force-limiting overload protection. To generate data on CAPTO’s force-limiting behavior across industry ropes, the 11 mm CAPTO was installed on nine different rope types in 3:1 and 1:1 mechanical advantage systems, and pulled with increasing force until force-limiting slip occurred.
Tests were performed in a controlled laboratory environment. Tests were conducted using a fresh rope sample from a single lot of new rope for each rope type. Two CAPTO devices were used. Each device was tested once in a 3:1 and once in a 1:1 for each rope type. Results were averaged to produce the graph below.
Note: this technical data is provided as a reference. While the CAPTO is intended to force-limit in overload situations, unforeseen or untested scenarios, environmental conditions, or other factors could prevent it from slipping to dissipate energy. In these cases, the total applied loads should not exceed 2500 lbf (11kN) to prevent damage to CAPTO, rope, or other system components. CMC recommends the use of an Enforcer Load Cell or other load-sensing device in training scenarios to better understand these limits. Refer to the manual for more information on proper use.