Salute your Manufacturing Team!
Did You Know…
That across the nation, industries everywhere are celebrating Manufacturing Day (#IWMfgDay)? As an innovator, ISO-certified manufacturer, and distributor of life safety equipment and education, CMC relies heavily upon our dedicated manufacturing team, and we are especially proud of these individuals who bring our products to life. In honor of Manufacturing Day, we’d like to introduce you to a couple of our long-time employee owners who, through their unique skills and talents, continue to shape our company every day, and take a moment to express our appreciation for their passion and commitment to our mission of creating life-saving products.
Name: Andy Valdez
Age: 39
City/State of Residence: Goleta California
Job Title: Manufacturing Lead
Company: CMC Rescue Inc.
Years in the Company: 15
Industry of your Company: Rescue field
Years in Manufacturing: 15 years
Training/Education: College, lean training, leadership courses.
What made you decide to pursue a career in manufacturing? I love my job.
What does your job entail? I make sure all our products are completed for our customers on time.
What is the most interesting part of your job? Your proudest moment? When I read about or see a rescue on the news and our equipment is being used, I feel very proud.
What do you love about manufacturing? The people I work with and being able to move around manufacturing checking on jobs throughout the day.
What advice would you give a kid considering a job in manufacturing? Working in manufacturing requires a lot of responsibility and knowledge but the more you learn and the more experience you gain the more value you add to the company.
Name: Angie Taylor
Age: 58
City/ State of Residence: Santa Barbara, CA
Job Title: Industrial Sewer
Company: CMC Rescue
Years in the Company: 12
Industry of your company: Rescue and Life Safety Products
Years in Manufacturing: 25
Training/ Education: Lean Manufacturing
What made you decide to pursue a career in manufacturing? I decided to pursue working at CMC because I already had a skill in sewing.
What does your job entail? I sew together pieces of fabric, web, and hardware to produce mostly bags for carrying search and rescue equipment.
What is the most interesting part of your job? Your proudest moment? Discovering a faster or better way to sew a particular step.
What do you love about manufacturing? I get to work by myself a lot. No one is looking over my shoulder. We are constantly making changes in order to improve the making of our products.
What advice would you give a kid considering a job in manufacturing? Manufacturing jobs are good for those who like working with their hands.
What do you love about working for CMC Rescue? I love the fact that we are an ESOP company. When I retire I get ESOP retirement money in addition to my 401k.