GRIMP NA 2022 Team – Peak Rescue


About the Team 

Where are your team members from?  

Casper and Cheyenne, Wyoming as well as Salt Lake City, Utah.
Types of Rescue represented in your team:  

Industrial/Fire Service, Rope access and mountain rescue.
Combined years of experience: 75 

Why are you participating in GRIMP North America?  

We are competing primarily for the amazing opportunity to learn from so many talented individuals and teams, take advantage of seeing old friends and making new ones as well as sharing our techniques and philosophies to contribute to the rescue industry. Oh and sometimes, cutting loose and putting our foot down to complete can be a pretty awesome time too, can’t wait to see everyone!

Anything unique or interesting about your team that you would like to share?  

We at Peak Rescue truly embrace the philosophy of “cross-pollination”, There are so many great pieces of equipment that exist along with a crazy amount of effective and safe techniques around the world in different rescue environments. Our goal is to create competency over a wide range of disciplines while selecting and using the best tool or technique for the job. 

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