GRIMP NA 2022 Team – OCFA 91


About the Team 

Where are your team members from (which city/country do they represent):

We are from Orange County, California.  

Types of Rescue represented in your team:

We are a team consisted of firemen. In our technical rescue program we specialize in Confined Space Rescue, Rope Rescue, Trench Rescue, Swift Water Rescue, and USAR disciplines such as breaking and breaching. In addition to our responsibilities in fire suppression both Wildland and Structural, we also do auto extrication and medical aides.  

Combined years of experience:

Combined years of experience in rescue in the fire service is roughly 80 years.  

Why are you participating in GRIMP North America?

We would like to become better and more knowledgeable rescuers by being around the best in the world. We are extremely privileged and humbled for such an opportunity.