CMC School Heads to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for more Rope Rescue Training
Following their trip to China, CMC School Senior Instructors LeRoy Harbach and Dan Kazmierski hit the road again and headed to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the week to conduct a Rope Rescue Technician I/II class with rescue personnel from the Special Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Response Team (SMART) and Petronas Central Emergency & Fire (CEF).
Both the SMART Center training tower and the Batu Cave Complex and Recreation Area provided ideal and challenging terrain for practicing a multitude of rope rescue operations including patient packaging, anchor systems, litter tending, mechanical advantage, pick offs, AZ Vortex configurations and Twin Tension Rope Systems (TTRS).
The SMART and Petronas CEF rescue teams proved to be exceptional students, enthusiastic, engaged and quick to “learn the ropes.” With the success of the course, the teams are eager to continue training with a Rope Rescue Technician III class later this year!