CMC School Conducts Advanced Rope Rescue Training in Kunming, China
Last month, CMC School Senior Instructors LeRoy Harbach and Dan Kazmierski traveled to Kunming, China to conduct an advanced Rope Rescue Technician Class for rescue personnel. The bulk of training took place in the National Geopark of China, which provided excellent terrain for setting up a variety of challenging scenarios. A massive land bridge and cave system spanning some 12 km underground created an ideal environment for practicing high lines, litter and vortex training with various configurations and even pick offs using the new CMC CLUTCH™ by Harken Industrial.
The class covered considerable ground in learning various rope rescue techniques and according to LeRoy’s evaluation, the display of rescue acumen by week’s end was beyond impressive.
In a final scenario, the class team Director displayed an unprecedented level of leadership in completing the mission. He quickly assessed individual strengths and assigned the tasks of main/belay anchors, forward A-frame, litter rigging with an attendant, lower and patient packaging, raising rescuer and victim, and transition to a guiding line to the ground accordingly in what was a grand demonstration of problem-solving, proficiency in the rescue methodology covered and team efficiency.
Overall, the week-long training session successfully evolved the students’ skills and confidence when problem solving and applying the advanced rope rescue techniques.
The CMC School is looking forward to its next training in China.